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Our Rates

rates form

Same Provider, Same Service, Better Price.

If We Don't Save You Money, You Don't Pay!

Cost of Analysis ............................................Free of Charge

What we Require...........................................1-2 Most Recent Statements

Our Fee.............................................................4 months of Savings each Year

What Savings Do I Keep..............................8 Months of Savings each Year

How Often am I Invoiced.............................1 Invoice every 12 Months

Cost if No Savings Are Found....................$0.00

Cost of Analysis ............................................Free of Charge

What we Require ..........................................3-4 Most Recent Statements

Our Fee ............................................................6 months of Savings

What Savings Do I Keep .............................Every month after 6 months

How Often am I Invoiced ............................Bi-monthly for 6 months (after 3 months)

Cost if No Savings Are Found ...................$0.00



At Save Cell, we only want to be paid if we do or job for you and our job is to save you money. Every dollar of revenue we generate comes directly from the savings we generate on behalf of our clients. Talk about putting your money where your moth is. To date we have saved our clients over $6,000,000.00 and this number continues to grow with each passing day.


The best part is the client only pays us once they have experienced the savings for themselves, meaning we are not paid from the savings that the client will generate in the future. We are only paid once our client has experienced the actual savings themselves, ensuring that we are paid directly from the savings we generate on behalf of our clients.


We are so confident in our ability to save our clients money that we are willing to use our time and resources to perform a 100% free of charge in-depth analysis, just so we can show you the levels of savings we can generate for you.


Remember our policy; we do not get paid unless we are able to save you money. This means that in the unlikely event that we are unable to save you money, there is absolutely no charge to you!


Fill out the form and take the 1st step in SAVING MONEY

Current Services

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To date we have saved
our clients over $11,000,000.00
and counting...

Save Cell Communications

Same Provider,

Same Service,

Better Price.


If we don't save you money, you don't pay!



105a York Downs Dr.

North York, ON

M3H 2G6


Tel: 416.915.6770

A Few Clients:

© 2024 Save Cell All Rights Reserved. 

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